1. General provisions
    1. The rules will be valid during the Velotürk Gran Fondo Çeşme 2024 race.
    2. Velotürk Gran Fondo Çeşme Race rules; It has been prepared in accordance with the "UCI Cycling For All" category amateur road bicycle race organizations instruction dated 01.01.2024 published by the Turkish Cycling Federation.
    3. All athletes who register for the Velotürk Gran Fondo Çeşme race are deemed to have accepted all the rules in advance.
  2. Participants
    1. Male and female participants who document at least one of the following conditions have the right to register for the competition.
      1. Having an athlete's license issued by the Turkish Cycling, Athletics, Triathlon, Mountaineering and Orienteering Federations and on behalf of an individual or a club with a valid visa for the relevant year,
      2. To submit a health report issued within one year before the date of the event, indicating the health fitness to do sports and participate in competitions.
    2. Athletes must also meet the following criteria in order to participate in the competition.
      1. Not having been banned from competitions or deprived of rights by the sports federations' disciplinary board or the provincial penal board for six months and a total of one year in the last three years,
      2. Signing a waiver stating that he/she accepts the participation conditions determined by the organization and that all responsibilities regarding possible health problems and personal materials belong to the participant.
  3. Participation Age:
    1. For Velotürk Gran Fondo Çeşme – SALCANO COURSE;The minimum participation age for races over 80 km where multiple age categories start collectively is 18.
    2. For Velotürk Gran Fondo Çeşme – TOYOTA HYBRID and CESME COURSE;Athletes in the 16-17 age group can participate in races not exceeding 80km with a parent/guardian permission document. 16-year-old participants must be over 16 by the day of the race.
    3. In determining the athlete's age, the calendar year is taken as basis, regardless of the month and day. The age category is determined based on the difference between the year the organization is held and the year the participant was born.
  4. Race Categories
    1. ​On the Çeşme Course (41K), podium medals are awarded only to the top three finishers in the overall classification (Men/Women); no age group classification is made.
      • ​​All athletes who participate and finish the race in the Çeşme Course will be granted a 20% discount on registration for the 2025 Velotürk Gran Fondo Çeşme race in both the Salcano and Toyota Hybrid courses.
    2. In the Salcano (91K) and Toyota Hybrid (67K) Courses, the age categories are distributed as follows:
      • MALE
        • Young Male(16-17) (Only on TOYOTA HYBRID track)
        • Elite Male(18-34)
        • Master Male(35-39)
        • Master Male(40-44)
        • Master Male(45-49)
        • Master Male(50-54)
        • Master Male(55-59)
        • Master Male(60-64)
        • Master Male(65+)
        • General Classification
        • PRO Category(General Classification) (Only on SALCANO track)
      • WOMAN
        • Young Female(16-17) (Only on TOYOTA HYBRID track)
        • Elite Woman(18-34)
        • Master Female(35-39)
        • Master Female(40-44)
        • Master Female(45-49)
        • Master Female(50-54)
        • Master Female(55-59)
        • Master Female(60-64)
        • Master Female(65+)
        • General Classification
        • PRO Category(General Classification) (Only on SALCANO track)
        • Athletes who have earned UCI points in the last 2 years (regardless of cycling discipline)
        • Athletes who are on the national team of the cycling or triathlon federation or the cycling team registered with the UCI in the year the event is held (regardless of cycling discipline).
        • ***Participants who meet the above conditions must notify their situation via e-mail to [email protected] before the race. If participants who do not notify are detected by the Organization during the race, they will be disqualified.
      • PARALYMPIC CATEGORIES (Only on TOYOTA HYBRID Track) *** In order to register in the Paralympic category, a report stating the disability status must be sent to the e-mail address [email protected], along with Name-Surname information. The document will be examined by the organization doctor and registration to the relevant category will be carried out without payment. *Athletes with disabilities other than Paralympic Category C requirements must follow the same registration procedure; After the race doctor's examination, they will be able to participate in the race free of registration fee, but the categories will be evaluated within the general classification.
        • Paralympic B - General Classification In this category, visually impaired athletes compete on a 2-person tandem bicycle. The sighted athlete is in the front and the visually impaired athlete is in the back.
        • Paralympic C - General Classification Athletes who can ride normal bicycles, such as amputees, short limbs or nonfunctional limbs, and mild cerebral palsy, but can ride normal bicycles, compete in this category.
      • TEAM There is no team ranking
  5. In-Race Regulations
    1. Bicycles
      1. Participants can participate in the event with bicycles such as mountain bikes, city bikes and cyclocross bikes, which are completely human-powered, have the same wheel diameter, and have a gear and brake system, in addition to road bikes. The organizer and the competition referees may decide that non-standard bicycles that have the potential to endanger the safety of the participants should not participate in the competition.
      2. Each participant is responsible for the safety of his or her own bike. He must make sure that the brakes and other components work smoothly.
      3. Athletes who are found to have participated in the race with bicycles that do not comply with the rules will be removed from the race and disqualified.
      4. Water bottles can only be used within frame geometry.
      5. The use of electric bicycles is prohibited.
      6. The components and parts listed below are prohibited for use during the race.
        1. Triathlon type handlebars and aero bars
        2. Single-speed, fixie bikes
        3. Hand bike
        4. Any bike with carrier
        5. Wearing headphones is prohibited. The use of MP3 players and similar devices is prohibited.
    2. Jerseys
      1. Participants are free to wear any top and bottom jersey or one-piece cycling overalls of their choice, except for the following exceptions and in cases where the organization requires participation in a uniform.
      2. Participants may not wear World champion, continental champion and national team jerseys, bikes, helmets, shoes (or any variation of their designs) of any country
      3. Clothing and equipment with political, religious or discriminatory symbols, slogans or designs cannot be carried.
    3. Equipment
      1. >Helmet

        All participants must wear a helmet in accordance with the rules. All helmets must comply with DIN 33954, SNEL and/or ANSI safety standards. Athletes must wear helmets not only during the race but also throughout the organization.

      2. Bib number

        The Bib number must be visible on the back of the athlete's jersey, on both sides of the waist area.

      3. Bicycle Bib plate

        The bicycle Bib plate must be attached to the seat tube under the seat.

    4. Nutrition During the Race
      1. There will be a minimum number of feeding areas on the tracks as specified in the Cycling Federation instructions. A sign indicating the existence of the feeding area will be placed 1 km before the feeding area.
      2. Athletes can benefit from the service provided by stopping at the nutrition station.
      3. It is forbidden to take food and drinks from support vehicles. This rule can be changed by the Race Committee only due to weather conditions and will be announced at the technical meeting one day before the race.
      4. Racers cannot receive food or drink from roadside spectators or their own support crew.
    5. Need Regions
      1. There will be separate dressing cabins for men and women in the start and finish areas.
      2. There will be a Dropbag delivery/pickup point where participants can deliver and pick up their bags at the start/finish area.
    6. Track Safety and First Aid Measures
      1. During the race, there will be at least the minimum number of Ambulances specified in the Cycling Federation instructions, including 1 in the finish area.
      2. In the race; There will be motorized security team to ensure traffic, road and athlete safety.
      3. For each track, there will be at least 1 leading vehicle advancing in front of the competition and 1 broom wagon following the race behind the rearmost athlete.
      4. There will be paramedic health personnel at feeding points.
    7. Mechanical Issues
      1. No mechanical support will be provided by the Organization during the race. Athletes are expected to solve their own technical problems.
      2. Exchange of tools, equipment and spare parts between racers is allowed. However, changing rims and bicycles is strictly prohibited.
      3. Any repairs on the bike must be done on the right side of the road, in a way that does not endanger other competitors. If there is a sidewalk on the right side of the road, this area can also be used.
      4. Participants who cannot complete the race due to mechanical problems that cannot be repaired must wait for the broom wagon on the side of the road in a way that does not endanger other competitors, and they will be transported to the finish area by the broom wagon.
    8. Time Chip
      1. Each individual participant's race completion time will be measured electronically by chip.
      2. The bicycle number plate and electronic chip given to the athletes during registration must be attached to the bicycle in accordance with the usage instructions.
      3. The start time of the race is the start time for each athlete.
    9. Personal Support Tools and Getting Help from Third Parties
      1. Personal or team support vehicles are prohibited from driving around the race track.
      2. It is forbidden to receive technical assistance or nutritional products from press vehicles or other official vehicles that do not belong to the race organization.
      3. In case of health problems or accidents, outside help is allowed.
    10. Station Transition Times and Broom wagon
      1. Station crossing times will be inspected by the race committee. Depending on the traffic situation, the race committee, in coordination with the security and safety units, has the right to exclude from the race the participants who are too far behind, even the athletes who are traveling at a speed below the minimum speed required to reach the next station before the predetermined station crossing time.
      2. If any athlete cannot meet the station crossing time due to mechanical, health or other reasons, he/she will leave the race and transfer to the broom wagon, as requested by the race organization.
      3. Athletes; must comply with the instructions of the referees and broom wagon officials.
      4. Athletes who finish the race behind the specified finishing time will be disqualified. The times of these athletes will appear in the race results, but they will not be included in the rankings.
    11. Quitting or Taking a Break from the Race
      1. If the racer has mechanical problems, health conditions, etc. If he has to leave the race for some reason, he immediately raises his right arm to inform the other racers and stops on the nearest side of the road. He then moves to the right side of the road, waiting for a suitable and safe moment. The rider must wait there for the broom wagon and signal that he wants help by raising his right arm.
      2. Leaving the course is grounds for expulsion from the race, even if the racer returns to the course later. Official feeding points are considered within the race course.
  6. General Riding Rules
    1. Participants shall not prevent other racers from passing, block their path, or force them off the road. They will avoid contact with other participants as much as possible. Except in cases of necessity, physically pulling or pushing another athlete for an individual or common benefit will be punished according to the penalty articles. Likewise, stopping suddenly in a way that would obstruct someone else, changing lane suddenly, or stopping for no reason at the beginning of the race will also be punished in accordance with the relevant article.
    2. Holding onto or hiding behind motor vehicles is prohibited. This prohibition also applies to returning to racing after an accident and/or mechanical stoppages.
    3. Exchange of food and drinks between racers is permitted.
    4. It is forbidden to leave any kind of waste, including garbage or used canteens and water bottles, in the nature. Those who act otherwise will be punished in accordance with the relevant article. Each racer will throw garbage and empty cans and water bottles into the trash cans in the feeding areas, on the road or at the finish.
  7. Results and Awards
    1. Overall individual results are divided into "Female" and "Male". Two separate results will be published: "General Women's Ranking" and "General Men's Ranking".
    2. Athletes who rank in the general classification will also be able to appear on the podium in their age group.
    3. Participants who finish the competition within the specified time limit (cut off) will be given a finisher's medal.
    4. At the award ceremony, the top three athletes in the race categories are given medals.
    5. At the award ceremony, male and female athletes who rank in the same age category will appear on the podium together.
  8. Rule Violation Penalties
    1. General
      1. Penalties for violations are imposed only by the race committee.
      2. Penalties are set out in Section 7.2. and will apply without exception.
      3. The race committee is authorized to impose penalties for violations not included in the list below. The appropriate penalty will be determined by the committee.
    2. Penalty List For the health of the organization and the safety of the participants, the following penalty scales will be applied. If the relevant violations are detected during the race, the participant will be disqualified.
      1. Deceiving the organizer by entering under a false name: Banned from the race for 3 years.
      2. Transferring race documents to someone else: Banned from racing for 3 years,
      3. Participating in a race using someone else's racing chip: Ban from racing for 3 years.
      4. Using an old or incorrect race number: 3-year ban from racing.
      5. Fighting with racers or other people, swearing: Ban from racing for 1 to 3 years.
      6. Consciously dangerous driving: Ban from racing for 1 year.
      7. Taking a shortcut and deviating from the race course: Disqualification from the race for 1 year.
      8. Competing on a bicycle against the race rules: Banned from racing for 1 year.
      9. Competing without a helmet or removing your helmet during the race: Banned from racing for 1 year.
      10. Lack of race number and time chip: 1 year ban from racing.
      11. Knowingly making a false declaration of age: Disqualification from racing for 1 year. (If the registration fee has been paid with false declaration, no refund will be made.)
      12. Persons who have not been checked by the organization and who participate in the race without signing a Waiver will be reported to the security forces and an official complaint will be filed against them when detected, as they may endanger the health of the athletes participating in the event.
    3. Recording Rule Violations and Objections
      1. The race committee will record rule violations throughout the race.
      2. Violations will be recorded and stored with the "Violation List" form.
      3. Participants will submit their objections regarding the rule tenders they witnessed and their own race times to the organizing committee by filling out the "objection form" in the race office and attaching possible evidence. At the end of the race, the objections will be reviewed by the organizing committee and the decision will be notified to the relevant parties.
  9. Use of Visual Materials Registered participants are deemed to have given permission for their photographs and videos taken during the event to be used by the organization for promotional purposes and to be shared with sponsors and the press.
  10. Disclaimer Participants who voluntarily register for Velotürk Gran Fondo Çeşme are deemed to have accepted the competition rules and any changes that may be made to these rules. The organization cannot be held responsible for any material or moral damages or accidents caused or suffered by the participants.

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